Wednesday, 3 January 2007

The Dating Game

So, as we established in my last blog, I'm newly single!

Now don't get me wrong, I love being in a relationship, I love the security of having that special someone and the sharing, blah, blah, blah but I've had some fantastic times single and before I met 'the ex', I was in no hurry to get a fella - I dated a lot - some with great success, others not so much. There was the guy who took me to Marbella for the weekend after only our second date - but then there's the guy who kept pulling my hair! Like I said, mixed degrees of success!!!

So I find myself in the pubs and clubs of Nottinghamshire and all of a sudden this new single life seems a little daunting - the men that were once desirable now have a beer gut and a wedding ring and I realise that my rose tinted glasses must need a new prescription.

Now I'm really not superficial when it comes to men - I'm not bowled over by dashing good looks, they don't need a six pack and they don't need a six figure salary and a flashy car - I want someone who I get on with, someone that has shared interests, will make me laugh and regards my faults as 'endearing'!!!

So, I find myself talking to a lovely young man at the bar - he's cute, easy to talk to and wants my number - result! Much texting begins for the next few days until we both meet up. We'd both had heavy weekends and are suffering with hangovers but the night is still a success and as we sit chatting and bantering in the local pub I decide I want to see him again. Much texting continues again for the next few days - a few phone calls in between and then another date. Dinner, a nice cosy bar and all in all, a successful evening.

But then it starts, the drunken text messages, the midnight phone calls, more texts and the next thing - I freak! I can't handle waking up to 9 text messages and 3 missed calls EVERY FLAMING DAY!!!! Now don't get me wrong, I'm no saint - I have bombarded 'the ex' with MANY a drunken text message - but even I have standards so cute guy from the bar has now gone.

.......................I told him over text!!!!

So, I embrace my next date (whenever that might be) with an open mind - its exciting really, someone you have yet to meet could be your next dinner date, after all, there's a world of people out there to meet.

Now where did I put that singles classified ad......................?

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lizfish said...

go on laura, tell everyone the real reaon why you packed your text-a-holic!!!!!!!!

Polly Tronic said...

Mother nature was TOO kind to him!!!!!