Wednesday, 24 September 2008

The age old topic...of age!

Getting older, its not something we enjoy, nor is it something we can prevent. We spend much of our youth wanting to be older, wanting independence, some money in our pocket and our freedom. Once we have it, we want to turn back the clock to times where we had nothing to think about and not a care in the world. In full, we're never happy!

There was once a notion of growing old gracefully, seeing age as a depth of character, of lessons learned and experiences under your belt to pave the way for adventures of your future. Pah, its now about Youth Youth Youth..... and plenty of it!

The getting older part doesn't seem so bad... it's the ageing part that seems to have everyone in a state of turmoil these days! Everywhere you look there are adverts about delaying the process, lotions and potions to take years off and endless documentaries, reality shows and makeover programmes showing us all what we could (or should) look like. Now at 29 I know I have some time to go until this is a concern but naturally I do think about it, when will it happen, at what time will I look in the mirror and think 'when did I get old'???

I think maybe Botox will be the next thing for us, it'll be as regular as having your hair done, getting a manicure and having a bikini wax but do we really know the dangers and how many people really care in their pursuit for everlasting youth?

I, for one, am guilty of the hype. If a night cream promises to smooth and plump I'm at the front of the queue, elbows at the ready for any necessary pushing and shoving and applying it before I've even left the shop! I was the same with spot creams as a teenager and frankly I'm happier with the skin I have now than I did back then - to reiterate, we are NEVER HAPPY!

But growing old gracefully? I'm not sure that's for me! I'll be nipped and tucked and plumped and pumped by the time I reach pension age - and if I look a day over 29 I'll be demanding a refund.

In the meantime I'll continue to pour over the beauty pages, keep 'miracles makeovers' as my TV favorite and I won't feel guilty for using my magnifying mirror before bed to check for any 'changes'!!!

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